



2013 莱顿大学(荷兰) 博士

2006 大连理工大学 硕士

2003 大连理工大学 学士




[1]Zhou Z., and Verburg, R. (2019) Open for Business: the impact of Creative Team Environment and Innovative Behavior in Technology-based Startups, International Small Business Journal (Forthcoming)

[2]Liu Z., Xu Z., Zhou Z., and Li, Y. (2019) Buddhist entrepreneurs and new venture: performance: the mediating role of entrepreneurial risk-taking, Small Business Economics, 52:713-727.

[3]Wang Y., Zhou Z., Ning L., Chen J. (2015), "Technology and external conditions at play: a study of learning-by-licensing practices in China", Technovation, vol. s 43-44, No. 1, pp.29-39.  

[4]Ma X., Zhou Z., and Fan, X. (2015), "The process of dynamic capability emergence in Start-ups – An exploratory longitudinal study in China", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, vol. 27, No. 6, pp.675-692.   

[5]Wang Y., Cao W., Zhou Z., and Ning L. (2013), "Does external technology acquisition determine export performance? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms", International Business Review, vol. 22, No. 6, pp.1079-1091. 

[6]Wang Y., and Zhou Z.(2013), "The dual role of local sites in assisting firms with developing technological capabilities: evidence from China", International Business Review, vol. 22, No. 1, pp.63-76.    

[7]Wang Y., Zhou Z., and Li-Ying Jason, (2013), "The impact of licensed- knowledge attributes on the innovation performance of licensee firms: Evidence from Chinese electronic industry", The Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 38, No. 5, pp.699-715.  

[8]Giones F., Zhou Z., Miralles F., Katzy B.R., (2013), "From Ideas to Opportunities: Exploring the Construction of Technology-Based Entrepreneurial Opportunities", Social Science Electronic Publishing, pp.13-20. 

[9]Zhou Z., Zhao Y., Katzy B.R., (2012), "Entrepreneurship as a field of study in Engineering Management", IEEE International Conference of Technology Management , pp.308-317.




